Thursday, April 07, 2005

Sample Problem - 1

[Taken from the internet]

Sample Problem #1


You are given a limited number of coins of various denominations, and a certain amount. You are to compute how many ways there are to pick the coins to add up to that amount. For example, given 12 coins of 1-cent value, 2 coins of 5-cent value and 3 coins of 10-cent value, and an amount of 15 cents, there are 4 combinations:

  • 2 5-cents coins and 5 1-cent coins
  • 1 5-cents coins and 10 1-cent coins
  • 1 10-cent coins and 1 5-cent coin
  • 1 10-cent coins and 5 1-cents coins

The answer therefore should be 4.


The first line of the input file consists of a single positive integer indicating the number of different coin denominations. The next line of the input file consists of a single positive integer representing the total amount. The remaining lines of the input file each consist of a pair of positive integer representing a coin denomination followed by the number of coins of that denomination available. All numbers are in the range of [1, 100].

The sample input and output are shown below.

Sample input:



1 12

5 2

10 3

Sample output:



At 10:30 PM, Blogger Muhammad Saqib Ilyas said...

I gave it to them with a three days margin including Sunday. I got about 7 or 8 submissions. Some of those are not fit. I have yet to check them.


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